Jun 2, 2007

Danny & Rachael, Rain or Shine

What an amazing day this was!!! I don't think it rained anywhere on the gulf coast, except Rutherfords in Destin. It's all good though, Danny and Rachael kept their heads up, and waited til it blew over, and went on . Rain on your wedding day is good luck right?? This is a super sweet couple, and we enjoyed every minute of the day, even drying the chairs for the guests to sit in. On this rainy note, why don't we give the next person to e-mail with the subject "Rain or Shine, it's mine" $150 off one of our wedding packages. One little catch, this is for any of you clients out there that haven't booked us yet, but have been thinking about it. Don't forget to check our calendar on the site to see if we're available.

Some guests like to arrive in style ;}