Feb 21, 2008

Newd Images on the Web-Site (where did that "d" come from)!!!

*We finally up-dated the main wedding site... check out all the portfolio's, ESPECIALLY the "rock the dress" category. You have been waiting a LONG time for that one!! We also updated the Spring info on the right-hand side of the blog, so be sure to read that information.

*Since we have been loser's & slow with keeping things updated... I wanted to give away something, hmmmm... how about a FREE enlargement (any size up to 11x14) for the 10th emailer. This can be from an old session or one you plan to have soon (be ready to schedule) or an upcoming or past wedding. Contact us by email. I'll make it really easy for you jeremy@cookimages.com. I can't wait to hear from all of you! NO FIGHTING OR CURSING..KEEP IT FAIR!! JK

*Also.. I finally jumped on the bandwagon & got a my space, now that it's not cool any more. So if anyone wants to be my friend (cause i hardly have any,seriously) go to www.myspace.com/haracook. I would love to have friends, then I wouldn't feel like such a dork, even though I know I really am a dork. ~hara